6 Types of Women Every Man Should Date
Mix it up and keep your mind open to other personalities
April 1, 2015
1. The Urban Sophisticate
Her strengths: This woman is funny, hot, and spontaneous. When you walk into a room with her, everyone stares at you in envy. Neil Strauss, author of the best-selling dating memoir The Game, puts it simply, "This is the kind of girl everyone wants, and it makes you feel awesome when you're the one who has her."
Her weaknesses: "You need enormous confidence to date a woman like this," Strauss says. "She gets off on attention, but you can't get jealous." If you're independent, you'll dig her ambition, but make sure she wants you—and not just the ego boost you provide.
Her bedroom persona: She's uninhibited and nicely groomed. Tell her you like her on top, preferably wearing something expensive that makes her breasts look hot.
Her strengths: This woman is funny, hot, and spontaneous. When you walk into a room with her, everyone stares at you in envy. Neil Strauss, author of the best-selling dating memoir The Game, puts it simply, "This is the kind of girl everyone wants, and it makes you feel awesome when you're the one who has her."
Her weaknesses: "You need enormous confidence to date a woman like this," Strauss says. "She gets off on attention, but you can't get jealous." If you're independent, you'll dig her ambition, but make sure she wants you—and not just the ego boost you provide.
Her bedroom persona: She's uninhibited and nicely groomed. Tell her you like her on top, preferably wearing something expensive that makes her breasts look hot.
2. The Arty Hipster
Her strengths: She knows where all the dive bars are and all the art shows with free wine. She's exciting and stylish, but not as untouchable as the urban sophisticate. "She actually likes nerds and intellectuals," says Ian Coburn, author ofGod Is a Woman: Dating Disasters. And she actually cares about culture. "She can be great for a guy who wants to learn more about art and music," says Ian Kerner, Ph.D., a relationship therapist and the author of She Comes First.
Her weaknesses: Do you keep going after her because you hope her cool will rub off on you? If your interests don't match, don't expect to just coast along on her taste. "Girls like this have opinions," Kerner says. "And they want you to know the difference between Jonathan Adler and Jonathan Richman."
Her bedroom persona: The good news: She's dirty. The bad news: Her bed's not that clean. Tell her if she changes the sheets before you come over, you'll take her to see Blonde Redhead—in Japan.
Her strengths: She knows where all the dive bars are and all the art shows with free wine. She's exciting and stylish, but not as untouchable as the urban sophisticate. "She actually likes nerds and intellectuals," says Ian Coburn, author ofGod Is a Woman: Dating Disasters. And she actually cares about culture. "She can be great for a guy who wants to learn more about art and music," says Ian Kerner, Ph.D., a relationship therapist and the author of She Comes First.
Her weaknesses: Do you keep going after her because you hope her cool will rub off on you? If your interests don't match, don't expect to just coast along on her taste. "Girls like this have opinions," Kerner says. "And they want you to know the difference between Jonathan Adler and Jonathan Richman."
Her bedroom persona: The good news: She's dirty. The bad news: Her bed's not that clean. Tell her if she changes the sheets before you come over, you'll take her to see Blonde Redhead—in Japan.
3. The Vegan Yoga Gal
Her strengths: She's got great skin and a long neck, and she gives you long back rubs with wacky oils. All that deep breathing means she rarely flies off the handle, and you value this perhaps even more than you value her amazing, high, tight rear, which is saying a lot. Strauss says, "This is a woman who really wants to make a deep connection with life, and a man who wants the same could be really into her." Fisher says that independent, analytical, or creative guys could find her alternative view fascinating.
Her weaknesses: Remember, Strauss notes, "These women are almost exclusively interested in men who are into the same stuff they are." Love her, love her lifestyle.
Her bedroom persona: She's just as Kama Sutra-esque as you were hoping—but no quickies. She likes it slow and soulful.
Her strengths: She's got great skin and a long neck, and she gives you long back rubs with wacky oils. All that deep breathing means she rarely flies off the handle, and you value this perhaps even more than you value her amazing, high, tight rear, which is saying a lot. Strauss says, "This is a woman who really wants to make a deep connection with life, and a man who wants the same could be really into her." Fisher says that independent, analytical, or creative guys could find her alternative view fascinating.
Her weaknesses: Remember, Strauss notes, "These women are almost exclusively interested in men who are into the same stuff they are." Love her, love her lifestyle.
Her bedroom persona: She's just as Kama Sutra-esque as you were hoping—but no quickies. She likes it slow and soulful.
4. The Alpha Female
Her strengths: She graduated from college in 3 years and went right to law school without taking a vacation. She's hard to keep up with. Ironically, it's not the alpha dog who should try dating her. "A scientist, artist, or teacher will do well with this woman," says April Masini, author of Date Out of Your League. "If you're not interested in power plays, she won't fight you."
Her weaknesses: She has a lot in common with alpha males, but these relationships are too intense. "They can't make time for each other," Fisher says. Coburn cautions that pushover types are often attracted to such women, and some alpha females—the sadistic ones—are attracted right back. "Obviously, if this is your dynamic, it isn't good."
Her bedroom persona: She's efficient and skilled, but she can be more than sufficiently animal if you help her let her guard down.
Her strengths: She graduated from college in 3 years and went right to law school without taking a vacation. She's hard to keep up with. Ironically, it's not the alpha dog who should try dating her. "A scientist, artist, or teacher will do well with this woman," says April Masini, author of Date Out of Your League. "If you're not interested in power plays, she won't fight you."
Her weaknesses: She has a lot in common with alpha males, but these relationships are too intense. "They can't make time for each other," Fisher says. Coburn cautions that pushover types are often attracted to such women, and some alpha females—the sadistic ones—are attracted right back. "Obviously, if this is your dynamic, it isn't good."
Her bedroom persona: She's efficient and skilled, but she can be more than sufficiently animal if you help her let her guard down.
5. The Intimacy Junkie
Her strengths: She goes to yoga, too, but it's the easy kind that's more about "connection to the self" than sculpting a smoking bod. So what if she's a little in your face. The sex is amazing. Strauss likes women like this. "She is the best kisser in the world. Very intense, very into connecting." Fisher says independent men will love such a deeply verbal gal, and Kerner thinks all men should date someone like this. "Most men need help learning to communicate, and she will help them."
Her weaknesses: The intimacy junkie makes you feel great at first. She's so into you and your feelings. Analytical men will find themselves easily ensnared in her macramé web. "He will be super into her at first, but there's going to be a lot of talk about the 'meaning' of the relationship, which might cause it to implode," Fisher says.
Her bedroom persona: She'll do anything, including some things that scare you. The word harness comes to mind. Tell her you'll do it if she gets waxed.
Her strengths: She goes to yoga, too, but it's the easy kind that's more about "connection to the self" than sculpting a smoking bod. So what if she's a little in your face. The sex is amazing. Strauss likes women like this. "She is the best kisser in the world. Very intense, very into connecting." Fisher says independent men will love such a deeply verbal gal, and Kerner thinks all men should date someone like this. "Most men need help learning to communicate, and she will help them."
Her weaknesses: The intimacy junkie makes you feel great at first. She's so into you and your feelings. Analytical men will find themselves easily ensnared in her macramé web. "He will be super into her at first, but there's going to be a lot of talk about the 'meaning' of the relationship, which might cause it to implode," Fisher says.
Her bedroom persona: She'll do anything, including some things that scare you. The word harness comes to mind. Tell her you'll do it if she gets waxed.
6. The Happy Homemaker
Her strengths: She's no gold digger—all she wants is a Volvo wagon and a nice, cozy three-bedroom. She wants to have your kids, take care of them, and take care of you. "Some guys draw a great deal of ego satisfaction from providing for a family, and there is nothing wrong with that," says Masini. A man who grew up in a very traditional household will love her, and, conversely, a guy who grew up with domestic chaos craves this woman for the stable home she provides.
Her weaknesses: Remember that when she says she's not going to work, she means it. Career-minded men could be happy with an arrangement that allows them to focus on their work while she manages his domestic life. But if the financial stress builds, you may not be able to convince her to get a job.
Her bedroom persona: She'll be accommodating and eager at first, less so with each offspring. Find a good babysitter so the two of you can steal away.
Her strengths: She's no gold digger—all she wants is a Volvo wagon and a nice, cozy three-bedroom. She wants to have your kids, take care of them, and take care of you. "Some guys draw a great deal of ego satisfaction from providing for a family, and there is nothing wrong with that," says Masini. A man who grew up in a very traditional household will love her, and, conversely, a guy who grew up with domestic chaos craves this woman for the stable home she provides.
Her weaknesses: Remember that when she says she's not going to work, she means it. Career-minded men could be happy with an arrangement that allows them to focus on their work while she manages his domestic life. But if the financial stress builds, you may not be able to convince her to get a job.
Her bedroom persona: She'll be accommodating and eager at first, less so with each offspring. Find a good babysitter so the two of you can steal away.
It’s OK to Not Be Facebook Friends With Your S.O.
Miranda and her boyfriend, Daniel,* have been together for almost two years. They’ve traveled around the country, spent holidays together, and seen each other through family and health crises. They’re even moving in together soon. Though Daniel is hardly Miranda’s first boyfriend, he is the first one she’s ever posted about on her social media accounts.
When they met, Daniel was not on Facebook or Instagram—a sharp contrast to Miranda, who actively documents her life and work online. When Miranda began sharing stories and photos of Daniel, she was surprised by how enthusiastic the feedback was.
“I’d been single for a long time, but it felt a little overzealous,” she said of the response posts she received from her network of more than 4,000 Facebook friends. “Then I realized later that as long as I had been on Facebook, nobody had ever seen me in a relationship.”
Before starting her relationship with Daniel, Miranda had spent nearly five years with a partner who had a hard-and-fast rule that their relationship never be documented in any way on the Internet. Having been harassed by an online stalker a few years before he met Miranda, he was determined not to repeat the experience.
But what was self-preservation for him was unintentionally hurtful to Miranda, who said her ex’s code of silence about their relationship made her feel like he was ashamed to be with her. “I understood what his concern was, but it was always an issue of contention for me because I felt unacknowledged,” she said. “And it was even worse because I would explain I felt unacknowledged, and he would try to make that seem like I was being ridiculous because it was a vanity thing or because I needed outside validation or something.”
Miranda isn’t alone: Out of the almost 2,000 married people polled in a survey by the law firm Slater and Gordon, almost 25 percent argued weekly—and 17 percent daily—because of social media activity. But when everyone is so hyperconnected, such conflict may seem like an inevitable part of modern life. So how do you avoid it? For some couples, it means just not being connected online at all.
That’s the option Alan and Kevin* chose on day one. The now-engaged couple, who proudly proclaim they’re able to complete home repairs together without fighting, have no idea what the other is posting on Facebook. It was Kevin’s rule to never be Facebook friends with the people he was dating, which Alan admits bothered him. He repeatedly tried to friend Kevin, thinking he would “wear him down.” But Kevin refused to budge.
“I don’t want to have an online relationship with my real-life person,” says Kevin, whose posts often display his biting, sarcastic, and sometimes profane sense of humor. “I don’t want to be judged by anyone he’s friends with or his family, and I don’t want outlandish things that I say to start drama with someone he’s close with.”
He might be on to something. Though connecting on social media seems like an easy way to unlock an endless supply of information, too much information about someone new too soon can be detrimental to a relationship.
Daniel and Miranda did not face that challenge. They dated for almost a year before he created an account on Facebook, and even then his intention was to keep up with the comments from Miranda’s friends on posts in which he was tagged. The day he joined, the two updated their profiles to say they were “in a relationship,” inspiring a flood of reactions from Miranda’s friends. They were enthusiastic and positive—so much so that they actually irritated Miranda a little.
“Everyone and their uncle were saying all these things about my relationship,” Miranda said of the comments, many of which were from people she hadn’t met in person and who had never commented on updates she posted about her professional life. “I was like, ‘This is some weirdly gendered bullshit right now. Could you be more interested in my work than the fact that I have a date?’”
The longevity of Miranda and Daniel’s relationship may be, in part, due to the lack of social media in their lives as they got to know each other. Psychology Today reported that the more Internet use by one partner in a relationship, the more conflict in the relationship. In comparison, of the people who waited a month or longer before friending their date on social media, 48 percent were a relationship that lasted longer than a year.
That fact may change the habits of many single people when they learn that, while the instinct to friend or follow someone after a first date is strong, it could hurt the relationship. Almost half (42 percent) of respondents to a survey from WhatsYourPrice.comfriended or followed someone after a first date, and they dated that person for less than a month. Some hopeful lovebirds didn’t even wait until the first date and friended someone before going out. Twenty-five percent of those eager people dated for only one month, and 34 percent of them dated for less than six months. Few who friended their date right after meeting made it past six months; only 12 percent of them dated for a year.
Neither Alan nor Kevin are very active on social media, posting an average of two or three times a month—a marked contrast to Tracy*, who updates her Facebook several times a day with sarcastic and dramatic posts but is not connected in any way online with Scott*, her closest male friend.
The two hang out together several times a week, cooking and watching their favorite TV shows. She has her own key to his apartment, where she helped him set up a Christmas tree. But they’re not friends on Facebook. That’s because, says Tracy, their real-life connection is so special that she doesn’t want to change it by taking it online.
“It can change the way somebody looks at you, and I don’t necessarily know that I want that,” she said. “I don’t know if I really want that messed with. If somebody’s experiencing you in an organic way, why would you put this extra layer in before you’ve really established a rapport?”
It’s a lesson she’s already learned the hard way. Tracy had been Facebook friends with her last serious boyfriend, who told her he had been surprised how different she was in person from what he expected based on her online presence. On the Internet, he told her, “you sound much more aggressive.”
The careful preservation of an online image is often deliberate and misleading, and that can trigger insecurities or misunderstandings, says Robi Ludwig, Psy.D., a psychotherapist and author of Your Best Age is Now. “It’s almost like people are their own publicists, and it’s important to keep in mind what you’re seeing is just what people want you to see. But I don’t think that many people keep that in mind.”
Tracy’s decision to remain disconnected from Scott on social media is what keeps their friendship authentic, preventing her from projecting her hopes and expectations onto another person based on their profile updates and shared photos. “You’re just making up a person based off their [social media] cues,” she said. “But you can build up any kind of story you want. People can take bits and pieces of you and fill in the gaps and make a version of you that maybe isn’t accurate.”
The real factor in determining whether to connect online is maturity, says psychotherapist Jeanette Raymond, Ph.D. And that maturity often is acquired by interacting offline and in real life.
While scrolling through photos of your crush may seem fun in the moment, it can also detract from the actual excitement that accompanies the beginning of a relationship, Dr. Ludwig says. Curiosity about the unknown is essential to beginning a connection with someone. “If you’re going to know everything about that person via cyberstalking or social media, maybe you have a negative feeling about something you might see and the relationship isn’t at a point where that can be discussed or should be discussed,” she says.
But while most of us have experienced the urge to covertly investigate a romantic prospect, that investigation doesn’t always stop once a relationship has been declared “Facebook official.” Dr. Raymond says her patients have expressed sadness and anger about social media interactions, even with their long-term partners. “It triggers fear of infidelity and envy,” she says. “They accuse each other of lying when they find that social media posts don’t tally with what they are telling each other verbally.” More than that, if they’re not giving you the Instagram love you want, you may infer that they’re not fulfilling you in real life—whether or not that’s actually the case.
Both Dr. Raymond and Dr. Ludwig emphasize the need for maturity and self-awareness when dipping a toe into the world of social media—particularly when it comes to broadcasting our relationships. After all, when romantic dates are bragged about on Facebook, anniversaries are honored on Instagram, and wedding receptions include custom-created hashtags, it’s clear that the Internet has an undeniable influence on our IRL social lives. When I told Tracy that Alan and Kevin are engaged, but not Facebook friends, her immediate reaction was to ask, “How are they going to invite people to their wedding?”
50 Inspirational Love Quotes and Sayings
The best and the worst thing about love is that; it cannot be expressed in words. We have therefore compiled the best love quotes of all times, that will definitely help you to express your feelings in terms of words. These famous inspirational love quotes and sayings can help anyone to describe the emotions they have.
Some of these love quotes were said by the ones who experienced the feeling of love, hundreds of years before us, while the others are from the new generation guys (people who are living with us).
So, here we go with the list of best phrases about love, and being in love.
50 Inspirational Love Quotes and Sayings
I am happiest when I’m right next to you.
Absolutely true for any person who is in real love with their partner. In this era of leechers, it is very hard to find such people. And if you happen to find one, treat him/her like a rare gem. You deserved it.
My night has become a sunny dawn because of you.
If you have a love in your life, who absolutely turns any moment of sadness into a marvelous one. Then this quote is for them. Share this love quote with your lover and see the smile on their face. It will be priceless.
The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.
Nothing else matters, really. Nothing else. Life is not about Netflix and chill, neither it is about money or success. Life is all about LOVE. Loving and being loved. This quote was said by Audrey Hepburn.
You may hold my hand for a while, but you hold my heart forever.
A true love love is rarer than a pink star diamond. And your love is no ordinary. Do not miss any chance to let your love know how much you love him/her. Tell them this love quote and they will surely be the happiest person alive.
I know I am in love with you, because my reality is finally better than my dreams.
This quotes about love is the one I totally admire. There is nothing better that can happen to someone, other than finding the love of their life, who is always there for them, and for their happiness. This was a quote by Dr. Seuss.
I need you like a heart needs a beat.
This love’ quotes will surely melt the heart of your Guy / Girl. The sentence seems so small to us, but the meaning behind it is so damn deep. If you are trying to express your feelings to someone new, make sure you use this quote before any other love quotes in the list. This quote was taken from a OneRepublic’s song.
Your love is all I need to feel complete.
Quote for couples or someone who has been in the relationship for some time. This couple quotes will breath new life into your relationship when said at the right time. Try it with your love and see how well it goes.
I will love you until the stars go out, and the tides no longer turn.
In case you didn’t get it, the quote simply means that you will never stop loving him / her. This is one of the best love quotes and works very well with everyone. This could be one of the most romantic quotes for her. Your lover will surely love and appreciate you for saying this.
If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you.
Ain’t it simply a cute and adorable sayings about love? Well, if someone said it to me, I will hug her so tightly that she could barely breathe. This quote cam from Joan Powers, Pooh’s Little Instruction Book.
Come live in my heart and pay no rent.
A straight, simple and up-to-the-point love quote. If you like straight talks, you may try this with your love, s/he will definitely like it. A quote by Samuel Lover.
Every time I see you, I fall in love all over again.
A very inspirational love quotes. Whoever said this, must have had a love like Romeo and Juliet, and its an inspiration for all of us to be, and live like them.
You are my song. You are my song of love.
A very short love quotes for anyone who wants to express their feeling of love. However, it will be more awesome if this quote is used by a musician, singer or an artist.
If I know what love is, it is because of you.
One of the best in love quotes to express your feelings to your first love of life. If s/he is not your first, this quote can help them know that they are way better than your ex, which might make them love you more. A quote by Hermann Hesse.
Sex alleviates tension. Love Causes it.
Pretty much self-explanatory, and you probably know where and when to use it. This is one the famous love quotes and comes from the American writer, actor and director, Woody Allen.
Our Relationship is meant to be. Something that was written in the stars and drawn into our destiny.
The most romantic quotes on love in the history. There is nothing more romantic than saying this to your Love at a lovely dinner or at any point in time, where you think it fits perfectly.
The first time you touched me, I knew I was born to be yours.
A perfect quote for your love, if you see a soulmate in him / her. It is one of the good love quotes in the list. Saying this to your girl/boyfriend is no less than asking them to stay with you forever.
Where there is Love. There is Life.
One love is all we need to survive in this world. However, the ugly truth about life is, people rarely get true love. Most of the time, it is not true love but infatuation. If you are lucky enough to find one such gem, you are lucky!
Let us Flip the coin the see. Head, I am yours. Tail, you are mine. So, we won’t lose.
This beautiful love quotes will let your love know how much they mean to you. True love is the most precious thing in life, and no one can/should leave their real love over anything else. Keep and protect them in your heart always.
There is only happiness in life, to love and to be loved.
This famous quotes about love describe the whole life of a person in a single sentence. I believe that love is the only component that makes life complete and worth living. A quote by George Sand.
There are only two times that I want to be with you. Now and Forever.
Simple to hear yet the most powerful love quote you can ever say. Dedicate this love quote to your loved one and watch them jump with happiness. Of course, if the same feeling exists between both of you.
Without his love I can do nothing, with his love, there is nothing I cannot do.
Love is a very powerful tool. With the love of the right people in your life, life becomes limitless, and you become fearless. Dedicate this quote to your guy/ or girl (replacing him with her) and see how joyful they will be. This is one of the best I adore you quotes; you can ever find.
Nobody has the ability to make me as weightless and carefree as you can.
Dedicate this Luv quote to your Boy/girlfriend if they don’t have a dominating lover. A bit of domination is fine in love, but too much of anything isn’t good. Too much domination will only get you caged, nothing else. But, since you don’t have such a lover, you can dedicate him/her this lovely love quote.
Loving you never was an option. It was a necessity.
True love is never an option. Love just happens without any reason, and at the time you least expected. It loving your better half is an option for you, you seriously need to get the hell of out of that relationship. A quote by Truth Devour.
Just when I think that it is impossible to love you any more, you prove me wrong.
The perfect love quotes to touch the strings of his/her heart during times of quarrels or a short period of separations. This love saying should help you to get the love of your life back, no matter what the situation is.
It is true that my heart always skips a beat when you take my name.
He/she who doesn’t have this feeling might not be in real love. Real love is much more than attraction and lust. And this quote about love perfectly describes the feeling in its true essence.
You can’t blame gravity for falling in love.
One of the best sayings about love, by the greatest scientist himself, Albert Einstein. This quote actually is a rephrased version of a question asked by a British corresponded on earth’s gravity. However, the rephrased version pretty much means that there is no possible reason to explain why we fall for this beautiful feeling called love.
I have loved you all my life; it has just taken me this long to find you.
One of the good being in love quotes present in this collection. It’s a perfect quote to dedicate to the most beautiful person (not from appearance) in your life.
When I look into your eyes, I know I have found the mirror of my soul.
A famous love quote by Joey W. Hill. This is of the most inspirational love quotes ever said. Since you are on this page and have scrolled till here, it is sure that you too see your love as your mirror.
Love is when the other person’s happiness is more important than your own.
Love is all about sacrifices and compromises. When you are in real love, you forget what compromise even means. All that you know is that the happiness of your Girl/Boy is the only thing that matters to you. You can even forget about your own happiness for them.
You have no idea how hard it is to force myself to stop thinking about you sometimes.
We all reflect on our love most of the time, throughout the day. And this loving quotes will help you to share your feeling about what really happens when he/she isn’t with you.
Love never dies a natural death. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals.
Love is a better teacher than duty.
I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more.
Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.
A simple ‘I love you’ means more than money.
Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.
Sometimes I can’t see myself when I’m with you. I can only just see you.
Accept my heart and I’ll build you a castle with love as its foundation.
No matter how many fights you may get into, if you truly love someone it should never matter in the end.
I may not be with you at all times, but I want you to know that you are never out of my heart. I love you!
I’m much more me when I’m with you.
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage.
Love is a promise; love is a souvenir, once given never forgotten, never let it disappear.
You don’t marry someone you can live with.you marry the person who you cannot live without.
Life without love is like a tree without blossoms or fruit.
The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.
The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves.
Two people in love, alone, isolated from the world, that’s beautiful.
Love to me is someone telling me, I want to be with you for the rest of my life, and if you needed me to I’d jump out of a plane for you.
And with this, we come to and end of the collection. It was so amazing to have you till here. It implies that you loved the collection.
So, which quote you found the best in our compilation of inspirational love quotes and saying? Whichever, you liked, make sure you share them with your friends on social media, not just with the love of your life. After all, Sharing is caring!